Upload/Return File Format Information
Rates and jurisdictions provided through this upload are subject to revision on a calendar year quarterly basis.
Step-by-Step Submission Instructions:
- From the main Address Tax Rate Locator page, click the "Upload Retailer Database" link (You must be registered to do this. Click here to register).
- Sign in
- Click the "Submit file" link
- Click the "Browse" button to locate the CSV file you are uploading (more information on the CSV file below)
- Click the "Submit" button
- You will receive an email informing you that your file was received and is in process. You will also receive an email when the file is ready to be retrieved.
Step-by-Step Retrieval Instructions:
- From the main Address Tax Rate Locator page, click the "Upload Retailer Database" link (You must be registered to do this. Click here to register).
- Sign in if you are not already
- Click the "Retrieve results" link
- You will see the results for the last five submissions listed by date
- Click the results file link of the file you are retrieving
- Choose File > Save As to save the file to your computer
- Repeat the last two steps with the error file (if there is one)
Submitted files must be in comma delimited text format (.CSV) with no header row and with the following fields in the following order (Address, City, and Zip Code are required fields):
Field Name | Description | Format | Length |
Record_No | Optional retailer record ID | alpha/numeric | n/a |
Address | Street name and number | alpha/numeric | 40 |
Suite | Suite,P.O. Box, Apt, Lot | alpha/numeric | 40 |
City | Name of city | alpha | 40 |
State | Two character state abbreviation (KS only) | alpha | 2 |
Zip Code | 5 character zip code | numeric | 5 |
Zip Plus | 4 character zip extension | numeric | 4 |
See an example upload file by clicking here.
Upon completion of processing, each submitter will be notified via the email address maintained in the retailer's online profile. If you need to change your email address, go to the login page and then click the Update Profile link.
If your file is erring out, or is not being accepted, you should make sure that:
- you aren't using a % sign in your records
- you only have seven record fields
- all records contain a zip code
- all fields (blanks/nulls included) are separated by commas
Mac users may not be able to upload using Safari. Other browsers, such as Chrome, will work.
Retrieving Updated Customer Database
Each retrieval will consist of two downloadable files named "Resultsxxxxxx.csv" and "Errorsxxxxxx.csv" where xxxxxx represents the Upload Job ID provided at the time of submission.
Results File Format
Each row of the results file will contain the originally uploaded data plus the following fields appended:
Field Name | Description | Format |
ResultType | 0=good address used ,2=address unknown, fallback to zip | numeric |
CombinedCode | Five character code indicating the combined jurisdiction | alpha |
CombinedRate | numeric value in representing combined rate | numeric |
See an example results file by clicking here.
Error File Format
The structure of the error file is as follows:
Field Name | Description | Format |
Record_No | Optional retailer record ID | alpha/numeric |
Address | Street name and number | alpha/numeric |
Suite | Suite,P.O. Box, Apt, Lot | alpha/numeric |
City | Name of city | alpha |
State | Two character state abbreviation (i.e. KS) | alpha |
Zip Code | Five character zip code | numeric |
Zip Plus | Four character zip extension | numeric |
The last five submissions will always be available for re-download.