Kansas Income Tax Institutes
The Department of Agricultural Economics and the Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service coordinate the annual Kansas Income Tax Institutes for tax preparers and other tax professionals.

The Kansas Department of Revenue has Taxpayer Assistance Centers to help residents and businesses answer tax questions or file taxes. In addition, you can call or email a Taxpayer Assistance Center representative for general information.
Contact a Tax RepresentativeThe department issues numbered exemption certificates to a specified group of entities and organizations exempt from sales tax under K.S.A. 79-3606. You will need to sign-in or register with the Kansas Customer Service Center to submit the application.
More information hereThe Department of Revenue has created an online tax fraud reporting site. Please report any income that was reported to the IRS, but was not received by you due to identity theft.
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is a federal statute allowing servicemembers to suspend or postpone some civil obligations so the servicemember can devote full attention to military duties. The original Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act was passed during World War I.
The statute was reenacted during World War II and was modified during Operation Desert Storm.
The Department of Agricultural Economics and the Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service coordinate the annual Kansas Income Tax Institutes for tax preparers and other tax professionals.