Renewing, Extending or Replacing your Driver's License Out of State
To process anything through the mail you must have a current driver's license photo in our database. You must also be a Kansas resident and a United States citizen or provide lawful presence documents along with application.
Active duty military members and their dependents stationed outside of Kansas may obtain a replacement of their Kansas driver's license, obtain a six month extension on their Kansas driver's license, or renew their Kansas driver's license through the mail.
Non-military persons out of the state or out of the country may obtain a replacement of their valid Kansas driver's license or obtain a six month extension on their expiring Kansas driver's license, but only if they are a Kansas resident and United States citizen or are a legal immigrant with permanent resident status.
Click here for the fillable form DEMI-1. Print the form, fill it out and send it in with the appropriate documents and fees - Please note - With the exception of those applying for a six month extension, everyone pays the photo fee. If you are renewing your driver's license you are not required to pay the exam fee.